Information For Reviewers

Review Process

All RII journals follow the double-blind review process. Expert reviewers review manuscripts submitted to RII journals.  Once the submission is done, the editor will perform the initial screening. Upon the suitability of the manuscript, it will be sent to the reviewers. It will take 15 to 30 days to receive the first decision about the manuscript. The author must respond within a month based on the reviewers' comments. Reviewers are asked to evaluate the manuscript's quality and to recommend to the chief editor whether a manuscript can be accepted, requires revisions, or should be rejected. A review form is available on the 'resource menu' of the homepage.  

Invitation for Reviewers

RII invites competent and interested reviewers to review the articles submitted in RII Journals. The reviewers must have a Ph.D. and an expert in their area. As RII aims to provide a quick decision on the manuscripts, our reviewers are expected to submit their reviews within 21 days. RII considers reviewing articles an act of professional fellowship and deserves recognition. Therefore, our reviewers are encouraged to increase their reviewer score and get recognized by Publons by sending their review receipt (acknowledgment email from the editorial office) to We, therefore, request the qualified reviewers to send their CVs to the editor at