Does Intelligence Influence Students' Academic Achievement? A Structural Equation Modeling Approach


  • Ms Mansura Nusrat Senior Lecturer, School of Business, Bangladesh University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • Mr. Mohammad Tamzid Hossain Research Assistant, Department of Management, University of Chittagong, Chattogram, Bangladesh
  • Mr. Rafiu Ahamed Research Assistant, Department of Management, University of Chittagong, Chattogram, Bangladesh
  • Ms. Easmin Nahar Research Assistant, Department of Management, University of Chittagong, Chattogram, Bangladesh
  • Md. Aftab Uddin Associate Professor of HRM at University of Chittagong


Intelligence, Creative Self-belief, Creative Capability, Academic Achievement, Business School, Undergraduate Students


Purpose: The study attempts to unearth the relative impact of intelligence and creative self-belief on creative capability and academic achievements.

Methods: Senior students from three different disciplines were purposively chosen from the business school of the University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. This study used 192 replies, with a response rate of 64 percent through a self-administered Survey. The study applied the structural equation model in AMOS 20 for data analysis.

Results: The results showed that neither intelligence nor creative self-belief, nor the students' creative capability significantly predict the students' academic achievement. However, it is observed that intelligence and creative self-belief significantly influence the students’ creative capability.

Implications: The most revealing implication of this study is to uncover the potential ways for exploring the relevance of the students’ intelligence, creative self-belief, and creative capability with their academic achievement.

Originality: This study is a novel attempt to explore the topic in the context of developing countries, particularly in South Asian contexts. Additionally, most of the studies conducted in this area are noted in school and high school levels. Interestingly, there are very few studies happened to be in the business school context.




How to Cite

Nusrat, M., Hossain, M. T., Ahamed, R., Nahar, E., & Uddin, M. A. (2019). Does Intelligence Influence Students’ Academic Achievement? A Structural Equation Modeling Approach. Business Perspective Review, 1(1), 1–13. Retrieved from