Society & Sustainability 2024-05-30T15:13:29+00:00 Abdullah Z. Mahdi Open Journal Systems <p><em>Society &amp; Sustainability </em>(S&amp;S) [ISSN 2690-6767] is an international, open-access scholarly journal published twice a year in looseleaf format. All manuscripts submitted to the journal pass through a double-blind peer-review process. S&amp;S is a multidisciplinary journal that covers a wide range of topics under the general purview of sociology, economy, and business. <strong>Following are the indexing platforms of the Journal:</strong></p> <p><a href=";as_sdt=0%2C5&amp;q=Citizen+Engagement+Challenges+in+Urban+Disaster+Management+Programs+with+Special+Reference+to+Fire%2C+Waterlogging+and+Pandemics&amp;btnG=">Google Scholar</a>: Each article will be visible in the Google scholar account within 2-5 days of publication</p> <p><a href="">Crossref:</a> Each article is assigned with a Doi from Crossref</p> <p><a href="">CORE [UK]</a></p> <p><a href="">PKP Index [Canada]</a></p> <p><a href=";qt=results_page">WorldCat [USA]</a></p> <p><a href=";l=en&amp;oaboost=1&amp;ling=0&amp;newsearch=1&amp;refid=dcadven&amp;name=">BASE [Denmark]</a></p> <p><a href="">Directory of Research Journals Indexing [DRJI]</a></p> <p><a href="">ResearchBib</a></p> <p>Please register/log in and submit your article. If you face any issues with online submission, you may send your article to:<strong></strong></p> Female Learners’ Language Anxiety in English Language Classroom at Tertiary Level in Bangladesh 2024-02-13T14:38:38+00:00 Farzana Yesmen Chowdhury Mymuna Khatun Shah Zobair Hossain <p><em>Since the mid-20<sup>th</sup> century, anxiety has been identified as one of the debilitating factors for the success of second language acquisition (SLA) when researchers focus on the role of affective filters, namely motivation and personality factors, in enhancing learners’ cognitive capacities. This study focuses on the speech anxiety of female students in English language classrooms at the tertiary level in Bangladesh. This qualitative research used semi-structured interview techniques to investigate the individual perception of second language learners towards their speaking skills performance in the classroom or social settings. The sample size was 20 female respondents selected from two private universities in Bangladesh through purposive sampling. In order to investigate the learners' anxiety and the related factors behind anxiety systematically, an interview profile has been made where 20 sub-questions are framed under the associated themes of research questions. The findings of this research show not only their views on learners' anxiety but also a wide range of sociocultural and pedagogical factors that demotivate them from speaking in English in the broader social context. It further focuses on the role of the education system of Bangladesh in facilitating the teaching and learning of English speaking at the tertiary level properly. Finally, this study provides insight into the field of SLA showing some pathways to mitigate the speech anxiety of female learners at tertiary levels.</em></p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Society & Sustainability Cross Border Security Challenges for Bangladesh 2024-05-13T14:55:12+00:00 Taha Husain <p><em>This study aims to explore the challenges of cross-border security in Bangladesh. Employing a qualitative methodology, the study gathers insights from diverse stakeholders, including security forces, analysts, human rights activists, NGO workers, and journalists. Based on thematic analysis, the findings revealed a significant disconnect between the Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) and local communities, exacerbated by bureaucratic challenges and poor coordination among governmental bodies. The vulnerability of hilly border regions to illicit activities, such as insurgency and smuggling, is heightened by inadequate placement and density of Border Outposts (BOPs). Historical and cultural ties influence border dynamics, complicating security efforts. The BGB faces infrastructure and resource challenges, further hampering effective border management. Extreme poverty and lack of education in border communities drive individuals towards smuggling and make them susceptible to human trafficking. Cross-border criminal activities, including drug and arms trafficking, pose significant threats. Additionally, the influx of Rohingya refugees has led to the control of refugee camps by armed groups, creating further security concerns. This research's originality lies in its thematic analysis application to systematically explore and address the multifaceted cross-border security challenges in Bangladesh.</em></p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Society & Sustainability